Taking this next step in your life can be stressful. To help ease the transition, we’ve compiled some helpful tips and tricks to help you prepare for this exciting next …

Taking this next step in your life can be stressful. To help ease the transition, we’ve compiled some helpful tips and tricks to help you prepare for this exciting next …
Boozhoo! My name is Natalie Skead-Zaporzan, and I am from Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation (Rat Portage). I have lived on the reserve for my whole life and love my community. …
~when the outside is too much By Jana-Rae Yerxa the worlds withinhave no need for orange shirtsthe sacred law is honoredchildren are gifts the worlds withinwhere waters, trees and rocksare …
Being a part of such a diverse world with many cultures, religions, races, and beliefs brings many diverse identities. How you feel is essential, and being true to yourself will …
Graduation for some might look a little different this year, but SGEI wants to help you make the most of it! Graduation is a time to celebrate your achievements and …
According to Anishinaabe protocol, certain beings help us throughout our lives. These include sacred items, our helpers, our clans, and the spirit names we carry. Just like humans, our sacred …
For mental health week, SGEI wants to take the time to remind you that your mental health matters. Here are a few things to try and help you if you …
Boozhoo indinawemaaganidok, Ogimaa Binesi indigo. Jared Hunter indizhinikaaz. Manidoo Baawitigong indoonjii idash Fort Frances-oodenaang indaa noongom. Gichi-manidoo-giizis ingii-ondaadiz igaye niizhtana ashi-niizh indaso-biboonagiz. Rainy Lake Sports adaawewigamigong indanokii gaye ingikinoo’amaagoz noongom. …
Many public libraries do not offer free library access to individuals outside their catchment area, for example those living in rural communities or on reserves. Because a large population of …
Applying to post-secondary education can be a hard decision. This decision will impact you for many years to come. Here are some of the things to consider before sending in …