Bursaries and Scholarships

A bursary is a non-repayable award that is granted to students. Like bursaries, scholarships are also non-repayable awards, but are typically awarded based on achievement. Listed are a number of bursaries and scholarships available to you through SGEI or your affiliate college or university.

SGEI’s Biskaabiyang Bursary

Biskaabiyang is a $1000 bursary awarded to current SGEI Post-Secondary students. Please read the Bursary Guidelines and submit your Bursary Application. Applications open on October 3, 2023, and the deadline to apply is November 3, 2023.


Affiliate college bursaries

Seven Generations Education Institute Bursaries

The deadline to apply is Friday, November 1 at 4 p.m. CST. If you have any issues or questions with the above applications please email anthonyl@7generations.org.

First Nations Education Funding

Some First Nations communities have education dollars set aside for resident students. Rules relating to funding differ based on your community. Please contact your local Education Counsellor for more information. For assistance applying for funding, contact your post-secondary program coordinator.


The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that helps students in Ontario pay for college or university through grants (money you don’t have to pay back) and loans (money you have to repay once you’ve completed school).

For assistance applying to OSAP or getting proper documentation for your application, contact your post-secondary program coordinator. You can also contact our Financial Aid Coordinator Anthony Leek at anthonyl@7generations.org.

PSSSP: Post-Secondary Student Support Program

The Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) provides financial assistance to individuals from eight First Nations communities (see below for complete list) enrolled in an accredited post-secondary certificate, diploma, undergraduate or advanced professional degree program.

Participating First Nations include:

  • Wabigoon Saaga’igan Anishinaabeg – (Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation)
  • Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek (Gull Bay First Nation)
  • Red Rock Indian Band – Lake Helen Reserve 53A
  • Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinabek (Sand Point First Nation)
  • Obashkaandagaang (Washagamis Bay First Nation)
  • Wabaseemoong Independent Nations (formerly Islington Band)
  • Northwest Angle #33 First Nation
  • Northwest Angle #37 First Nation


Type of support

For students in full-time studies, PSSSP can cover the cost of tuition, mandatory student fees, textbooks, monthly living allowances and travel support.

For students in part-time studies, PSSSP can cover the cost of tuition and textbooks.


Academic Achievement Scholarships: PSSSP approved students who have achieved a grade point average of B or higher while enrolled in a full time, Level 1 or Level 2 program of studies may apply for a scholarship up to a maximum of $1,000 annually.

Strategic Studies Scholarship: PSSSP approved students who are enrolled in a Level 2 university undergraduate program that directly contributes to achieving First Nation Self Government and economic self reliance. Maximum of $2,500 annually.

Incentive Scholarship: PSSSP approved students enrolled in a full time Level 3 degree program. Maximum of $1,500 awarded only once throughout program.

For more information regarding the Post-Secondary Student Support Program, read the Administrative Handbook.


How to Apply


Application Deadlines

  • Spring/Summer (May-August) – April 1st
  • Fall/Winter (September-April) – June 1st
  • Scholarship Applications (full-time previous year funded students only) – July 31st


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